
Showing posts from October, 2019

Pill poppers

Guess who didn't lock up the restricted items last night? Not my S/O. Guess who got blamed for it? Yep, my S/O! This reminds me of the truck incident. The truck that I walked several laps around (not on purpose, mind you) and that I CLEARLY recall being dent free. Suddenly it had gotten a huge dent in it. But who got blamed? Not the driver, but my S/O. Who hasn't had the keys for almost a month. Why do you insist on blaming everyone else and not taking any of the blame? Oh, business... FUCK. OFF.


Here's what I don't get. She's scheduled for a certain time on call this week, and there's plenty of work to be done. But she can't do half of it because she's scheduled to be doing shit that someone else should be doing while she should be seeing appointments. I get that you think you're a big shot (or should that be a big shit...), but if you can't create a fucking schedule, and see YOUR OWN appointments, what good are you to anyone else? Learn to do the job you're paid for before you start bossing everyone else around. You'll be doing everyone a favor.

How many euthanasias is too many euthanasias...?

12 in 10 days. That's 1.2 euthanasias/day. And I don't mean in the clinic. That's how many she has done in the last 10 days. I think that's too much. From what I understand, she is the only one that did any this week. Why her? No wonder Veterinarians want to kill themselves. Especially when the patients owner blames you for having to do it. Maybe, just maybe, if you listened to her instructions this wouldn't have had to be done. * Put them on a strict diet and do this, that, the third and I'll see you in a month. Oh, you again. It's been a week. Dog got worse? Died?? Did you do what I told you to do? No? I see. Why's that my fault that you didn't listen after signing off on the treatment plan? * Right, you're a moron. In the words of Bill Engval, "Here's your sign..."


Question for the class: Do you feel it is appropriate to run your clinic via TEXT MESSAGE? What I mean is any and all notices regarding any goings on at the clinics are sent out via text message, and not email or at in person meetings. There's a dolly usable email system available but everything is over group chat. Oh, and company meetings are held during work hours when one particular person is on a scheduled day off (betcha can't guess who that is...). Fuck. This. Place.